특징:크기: 26*1.35-1.75 26/27/29*1.9-2.5
무게: 40g/53g/55g/57g소재: TPU
밸브 길이: SV 45mm프랑스 밸브 설계는이 내부 튜브가 다양한 자전거와 호환되도록 보장하여 모든 사이클리스트에게 다양한 선택입니다.
• 65mm 길이:길이가 45mm 인이 내부 튜브는 편안하고 부드러운 라이딩 경험을 제공하여 펑크 및 플랫 위험을 줄입니다.
Product lnformation
Size: 26*1.35-1.75 26/27/29*1.9-2.5
·Reduced spining mass where there are more (wheeksets),
more responsive acceleration and resulting improved
handingand climbing speed.
·The new TPU material has good puncture resistance.lt is made
in one piece, with no long seams around the circumference of
the inner tube.
·There is only a ring of joints around the valve
Reduces the possibility of air leakage.
·Resistant to high and low temperatures, stable tyre
pressure ensures your safety when going downhill.